When was the last time you thought about your gloves, I mean really thought about all they do ? Gloves are the infantry of your gear, the first line of defense, there to protect and serve.
Like any other saftey gear, you should evaluate their condition and the way they serve you on an ongoing   basis. Some things to consider; are they torn, do the wrist straps still fit tight, are the pads beat down flat, are the exo pads loose or worn ?

Sure the exo-skeletal padding keeps the impacts from branches, rocks, and roost from doing severe damage, and the palm and finger padding keeps the blisters from growing to the size of a softball, but the most important and least realized job they do is … GET A GRIP !!! Like assist with the never ending task of holding on to the bars; wet, dry, rocks, dirt or mud they are there to help you stay “in the saddle”.
I have had many pairs and brands of gloves; IMPACT, FLY, FOX and most recently TROY LEE DESIGNS GP.
The GP series have been the best gloves I have had, although the palm and finger pads tend to loose cushion after 6 months or so of riding, they have lasted longer than any other brand I have worn. I have had no sewing or seam failures, and no exopadding delamination or failure. The quality has been superb and the pricing is in order for what you get. The comfort is exceptional, and I have found that comfort = confidence.
So I suggest you sit down and take a good look at what is on your hands. Then go try on a pair of the TROY LEE DESIGNS GP gloves. I think your hands will be impressed and so will you.

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